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快速购买英国开放大学成绩单,Buy The Open University transcript

快速购买英国开放大学成绩单,Buy The Open University transcript

英国开放大学成绩单,Buy The Open University transcript
英国开放大学成绩单,Buy The Open University transcript

订购英国开放大学成绩单,Buy The Open University transcript. 购买英国开放大学文凭和成绩单. 在线订购英国开放大学毕业证。Buy an OU degree and transcript. 开放大学(The Open University,简称OU),是一所英国公立研究型大学,1969年在英国王室特许令批准下成立,有权颁授本科及研究生学位。总部座落在北伦敦,在英国各大城市均设有教学中心,是世界上第一所成功落实远程教育的大学,学校也是英国和欧洲最大规模的高校,学生人数达174,898人,自成立以来已有超过200万名毕业生。
人文与社会科学院(Faculty of Arts&Social Sciences)


Buy The Open University transcript online

The Open University transcript for sale. The Open University (OU) is a public research university in the UK. It was established in 1969 under the approval of the British Royal Charter and is authorized to award undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Headquartered in North London, it has teaching centers in major cities in the UK. It is the world’s first university to successfully implement distance education. The school is also the largest university in the UK and Europe, with 174,898 students and more than 2 million graduates since its establishment.
School Majors
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Including: philosophy, art history, history, classical literature, creative writing, English, music, religious studies, sociology, public policy, economics, geography, psychology and other disciplines.