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IEE 和 IIE 于 2004 年开始讨论合并以组建一个新机构。 2005 年 9 月,两家机构均对合并投了赞成票,成员投票赞成(73.5% IEE,95.7% IIE)。这次合并还需要政府批准,因此向英国枢密院提交了一份补充宪章请愿书,以允许创建新机构。这是枢密院于 2005 年 12 月 14 日批准的,新机构于 2006 年 3 月 31 日成立。
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Discussions started in 2004 between the IEE and the IIE about merging to form a new institution. In September 2005, both institutions held votes of the merger and the members voted in favour (73.5% IEE, 95.7% IIE). buy fake diploma, buy fake degree online, fake degrees, fake certificates, This merger also needed government approval, so a petition was then made to the Privy Council of the United Kingdom for a Supplemental Charter, to allow the creation of the new institution. This was approved by the Privy Council on December 14, 2005, and the new institution emerged on March 31, 2006.