How much to purchase a fake BPP University degree, 购买BPP大学证书

How much to purchase a fake BPP University degree
The university takes its name from founders Alan Brierley, Richard Price and Charles Prior, who established Brierley Price Prior in 1975 to train accounting students. BPP first granted degree-granting authority in 2007, and in 2020 it granted indefinite degree-granting authority.
In March 2013, university and college unions wrote to then-British Business Secretary Vince Cable urging him to put BPP’s application for a university title on hold pending an investigation into its relationship with the parent company, saying “the interests of BPP students are at risk. and the international credibility of UK university titles.”
On August 8, 2013, BPP University Professional College was awarded the title of university and changed its name to BPP University. The move to grant BPP university status has been criticised in an open letter by a coalition of universities and colleges. In November 2013, BPP was awarded the title of “Higher Education/Professional Education Institution of the Year 2013” by EducationInvestor Magazine.
In September 2017, Times Higher Education reported that BPP had closed its Dentistry and Oral Sciences degree programme immediately after failing to meet General Dentistry Council standards just a year after launching the programme in 2016, leaving freshmen unable to start and facing uncertainty. Prospective current undergraduate students.
In June 2017, BPP was awarded a ‘Bronze’ in the Teaching Excellence Framework, a government-backed initiative to make teaching standards more transparent for students, in the categories of ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’ for educational institutions and “Bronze”.