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订购英国开放大学学位, Buy The Open University (OU) degree

订购英国开放大学学位, Buy The Open University (OU) degree

英国开放大学学位, Buy a The Open University (OU) degree
英国开放大学学位, Buy The Open University (OU) degree

购买英国开放大学学位, Buy The Open University (OU) degree. Open University diploma for sale.  英国开放大学文凭多少钱? 英国开放大学(The Open University,UK, )于1969年经英国皇家特许令批准,1971年正式成立,是一个独立、自治的国家高等教育机构,有权授予各种学位,目前是英国最大的大学,共有260000名在校生,7000多名兼职辅导教师,以及3500多名行政管理人员。OUUK对学生入学的年龄、学历、背景等均无严格限制,只要年满18岁,居住在英国或欧洲其他国家的成人均可申请入学。它采用远程和开放式的办学模式,结合函授、电视、广播、计算机网络,积极推动高等教育大众化和终身教育的发展。学生无需参加入学考试,也不被强制参加面授课,无严格的学习年限,可以自由选择学习时间和地点。提供的的学习资源包括课本、自测题、推荐书目、特别设计的家庭实验器材、录像带等。学校竭力为各界人士(包括妇女、残疾人等)提供各种就学机会,在国际上享有很高声誉。

Buy an Open University degree in UK

The Open University (UK) was approved by the Royal Charter in 1969 and officially established in 1971. It is an independent and autonomous national higher education institution with the right to award various degrees. It is currently the largest university in the UK, with a total of 260,000 students, more than 7,000 part-time tutors, and more than 3,500 administrative staff. OUUK has no strict restrictions on the age, academic qualifications, and background of students. As long as they are over 18 years old, adults living in the UK or other European countries can apply for admission. It adopts a distance and open school-running model, combined with correspondence, television, radio, and computer networks, and actively promotes the popularization of higher education and the development of lifelong education. Students do not need to take entrance exams, nor are they forced to attend face-to-face classes. There is no strict study period, and they can freely choose the time and place of study. The learning resources provided include textbooks, self-test questions, recommended books, specially designed home experiment equipment, videotapes, etc. The school strives to provide various learning opportunities for people from all walks of life (including women, people with disabilities, etc.), and enjoys a high reputation internationally.